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Vivian Campbell en batalla contra el cáncer ...Xtreme Rock Radio Monterrey

Para el guitarrista  Vivian Campbell, seguir la ruta con Def Leppard en medio de su quimioterapia resultó sanador. El músico de 51 años cuenta que se apoyó en sus compañeros de grupo y en la emoción de presentarse ante el público, para superar un diagnóstico de Linfoma Hodgkins.

Tras comenzar su tratamiento en abril, el músico se fue de gira con la banda de Sheffield, tour que concluyó en julio.

“Realmente pudimos pasar por ese momento a través del trabajo. Tuvimos las presentaciones en Europa mientras yo recibía quimioterapia… y mentalmente eso fue una gran parte de mi recuperación. Estoy agradecido por haber tenido la oportunidad de trabajar mientras ocurría, en vez de quedarme en casa y sentirme miserable por mi situación”, destacó Campbell.

*******Def Leppard's Vivian Campbell Grateful Doctors Let Him Rock Amid Cancer Fight
Def Leppard guitarist Vivian Campbell is grateful to his doctor for letting him appear at the band's Las Vegas residency earlier this year – even though he'd just been diagnosed with cancer.
He revealed earlier this year he was suffering from Hodgkin's Lymphoma, but after a course of chemotherapy he's set to make a full recovery. In a new video Campbell tells the Lymphoma Assocation: "I was on tour with Def Leppard in 2011 when I noticed something was amiss. We were in Australia and I got ill. I saw a doctor and got antibiotics, but I had this residual cough.

"The last time we played in England I got ill again, so I knew something was going on with my immune system. When I exerted I noticed I coughed more. It got worse and worse. I was coughing all the time."

He admit he didn't know what to think when he was told what was wrong. "I'd heard of Hodgkin's Lymphoma, but I didn't actually know it was cancer," he says.

"They did a bone marrow biopsy and discovered it wasn't advanced, fortunately, so the doctor let me go to Las Vegas and do those shows – which was good. The fact I had work to concentrate on was good."

Conoce mas acerca de la carrera de Vivian , checa el enlace:

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