AC/DC Friend Says Malcolm Young Has Serious Health Issues
Choirboys frontman Mark Gable says he believes the 61-year-old founding guitarist is unable to perform anymore and will probably never record again, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
"That is true, Malcolm is sick," Gable told ABC Radio on Wednesday morning. "From what I understand, and it's even been confirmed in part by his son Ross (Young), that it would appear Malcolm is unable to perform anymore.
"It's not just that he is unwell, it's that it is quite serious. It will constitute that he definitely won't be able to perform live. He will probably not be able to record.
Malcolm Young de AC/DC “demasiado enfermo” para seguir tocando
AC/DC podría disolverse por enfermedad de integrante

"Mi opinión es que no habrá gira y nunca volveremos a ver a AC/DC tocar o grabar de nuevo" indicó Ford. "Los chicos tienen un pacto para no captar a nuevos miembros en el grupo; nadie será reemplazado y cuando alguien se vaya el grupo desaparecerá".
Las noticias sobre AC/DC comenzaron a extenderse después que una emisora de radio de la ciudad australiana de Perth recibiera un correo electrónico anónimo que anunciaba la posible disolución del grupo, a pesar de que han reservado unos estudios en Canadá para grabar un nuevo disco en mayo.
Hace unas semanas, el cantante de AC/DC, Brian Johnson, había declarado que uno de los integrantes del grupo se encontraba enfermo y que todos esperaban que se recupere para poder seguir adelante con los proyectos del grupo.
Official Statement from the band

Official statement from the band's Facebook page, posted this morning :
"After forty years of life dedicated to AC/DC, guitarist and founding member Malcolm Young is taking a break from the band due to ill health. Malcolm would like to thank the group’s diehard legions of fans worldwide for their never-ending love and support.
In light of this news, AC/DC asks that Malcolm and his family’s privacy be respected during this time. The band will continue to make music."
Xtreme Rock Radio Monterrey