Megadeth writing material for next album
Megadeth are currently on the road playing dates on their Super Collider US tour, but Dave Mustaine says the band are already working on new material for their next album.
“We right now have a bunch of dates that's gonna take us up until August of next year,” Mustaine told 94.5 FMX in Lubbock, Texas recently. “That's when we start recording the next record. We've already started working on writing stuff , and I figure that’s a long enough time for us to gestate a record. Sometimes we've been forced to really kind of write on the spot. Right now we've got an amazing luxury to be able to take some time.”
"Besides doing a lot of interesting things,” he added, “I’'ve got a performance coming up in April with the San Diego Symphony. And just interesting stuff like that. We're trying to go a little bit out of our comfort zone while we're near the end of this cycle, because we wanna make sure that we really experience as much as we can."

"La vida es lo que tú haces, hombre", resumió Mustaine. "Y realmente, realmente disfrutamos de lo que estamos haciendo en estos momentos. Quiero decir, no estamos en esto para otra cosa que no sea sólo el amor de tocar la musica y mirar las sonrisas en sus rostros. Eso, para mí, es la mayor recompensa. Porque si tienes un techo sobre tu cabeza y tus hijos estén sanos, entonces eres muy rico. y si tienes suficientes amigos para contar con una mano, entonces eres una persona muy bendecida. he tenido una gran vida y me encanta tocar para nuestros fans ".
Megadeth wraps up their fall tour schedule this Thursday in Reno, Nevada; they return to live action in New Zealand and Australia in February.
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