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Monterrey NFL 2014
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Coldplay, Katy Perry and Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Pay To Play?
In fact, the three artists in the running for the 2015 Super Bowl are being asked to pay the NFL for the right to perform their music during what is usually the biggest TV broadcast of the year, much like the high-profile (and expensive) commercials that often generate as much interest as the game itself (the 2014 Super Bowl earned 111.5 million viewers in the U.S. alone).
De hecho, los tres artistas en la carrera por el Super Bowl 2015 se les pide que paguen la NFL por el derecho a realizar su música durante lo que suele ser la mayor emisión de televisión del año, al igual que el alto perfil (y caro) comerciales que a menudo generan tanto interés como el juego en sí (el 2014 super Bowl ganaron 111.500.000 espectadores sólo en los EE.UU.).

The acts in question? Coldplay, Katy Perry, and Rihanna. Spin notes that so far, the NFL's financial request has been met with "a chilly response."
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