Video Recomendado:Joe Cocker

Efemérides 12 y 13 de Noviembre...Xtreme Radio Monterrey


12 de Noviembre de 1944 nace el multi instrumentista, productor y compositor Booker T, lider de su banda MG's.

12 de Noviembre de 1945 nace en Toronto Canada, el guitarrista, cantante y compositor Neil Young.

Las buenas noticias de la pagina de Neil Young, date un paseo por una interesante serie de acciones, que si las aplicamos ayudaríamos a cambiar un poco la faz de este mundo tan devastado.

Today there is good news on climate change. Good foods bring carbon back down to earth where it belongs.

According to soil scientists, transitioning from industrial agriculture practices to organic farming
and ranching could sequester thousands of pounds-per-acre of climate-destabilizing CO2
every year, while nurturing healthy soils, plants, grasses, trees and animals that are
resistant to drought, heavy rain, pests, and disease.

Today's global food system, with its intense dependence on biotechnology,
chemicals, water and fossil fuels, is destroying the natural capacity of
plants, trees and soils to sequester excess greenhouse gases.
That food system is what is creating almost all of the food you
buy at mainstream food markets like Safeway. (funny name)

Shoppers, you can help by purchasing and consuming
low impact organic and sustainably grown foods
and abandoning all of the junk foods advertised
and packaged by industrial food corporations.
You can be on the front line of fighting global
warming and climate change, just by eating
and serving good food.


12 de Noviembre de 1970, Los Doors actúan juntos por última vez en el New Orleáns de Los Angeles.

13 de Noviembre de 1992, Elton John se presenta en México el 13 y 14 en el estadio Azteca.

Xtreme Rock Radio, desde Monterrey Nuevo León México. Lo mejor del rock en 60 años de Historia, y un toquecito de Rock en tu Lengua.

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Video Recomendado:Talking Heads